It turns out that even though their documentation doesn’t specifically say this, and ideally it should do this automatically, but you can use ‘if’ variables in this custom layout area as well as emails.
For example:
{if {yourfieldname:value}}
This can be added either by disabling the automatic form generation in components/rsformpro/manage directories/details layout
or you can modify core files (usually a bit dangerous as any component updates will wipe out the changes and have to be redone.
Location is here: /public_html/administrator/components/com_rsform/layouts/yourtemplate
foreach ($otherValues as $other) {
$out .= “{if {” . $other . “:value}} “; //ADDED
$out .= “\t\t”.’
$out .= “\t\t\t”.’
$out .= “\t\t\t”.’
$out .= “\t\t”.’
$out .= ” {/if} “; // ADDED
If you want to try to create a custom layout, make a copy of an existing file with a new name like ‘custom’ here: /public_html/administrator/components/com_rsform/layouts/
Then go here: /public_html/administrator/components/com_rsform/views/directory/tmpl/edit_layout.php
Near the beginning of the file you can add your custom file to the array like this:
You’ll then be able to choose it from the layouts chooser in the directory area, but will still need to upload an image with the same name as the file here:
anyways, i know this is rough, but i’m just putting it out there for what it’s worth